The most efficient way to ship your app to production
There are many variations available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable.
Unleash developers productivity
We relieve your teams of all constraints related to CI/CD and server infrastructure, allowing them to focus on development
Scale up from 0 to millions of users
We assist them in designing their applications for optimal performance at scale, accompanying you in your success
Control your costs
We provide you with the opportunity to understand and control your present and future IT costs through a simple, clear, and transparent offering
Get the best tools & simplify billing
We provide the best tools on the market to your team and we manage them for you. With us replace 10 providers by just 1 and let us manage the IT complexity
An offer for many Ops issues
There is many unseen challenges when delegating IT Ops responsibilities to your team.
Scaling problematics
- - Difficulty handling massive surges
- - Scaling issues not anticipated
- - Unscalable application design
- - Find the right metrics to monitor
- - Anticipate problems
- - Do we have a recovery plan?
Security risks
- - Outdated software
- - Hacking attempts
- - Poor security practices
Time killers
- - Slow deployment time
- - Hacking attempts
- - Poor security practices
Lack of expertise
- - Missing support from experts
- - Waste of time on unmastered topics
- - Loss of focus
- - Difficulty in reaching milestones
- - Task switching
Inefficient collaborations
- - Insufficient dev environments
- - Conflicting features
- - Workflow bottlenecks
IT provider management
- - Difficulties in selecting partners
- - Technical exchanges with support
- - Time spent managing accounts
Costs managment
- - Uncontrolled infrastructure costs
- - Billing from multiple IT providers
- - Poor anticipation of future costs